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PDF Portfolio before and after (AC_4,7) (LO_5)

Updated: May 29, 2020

Portfolio before;

When I started this, I wasn't quite sure how to start or what to do or even how to do it. I have never done a PDF portfolio, so I was a little bit unsure, not a little bit A LOT. Now, before I start I want to say my opinion, Derek might come for me after this, but its my blog and my opinion. YOU CAN'T STOP ME NOW.

In my opinion PDF Portfolios are a little bit outdated... here I said it. As I have been looking into rob roles and what they want to see submitted, I haven't ran into a single request about PDF Portoflios. Now, I must say, I do think it's good to have it. Especially if you are doing freelance work and you want to narrow down your work to a specific theme or whatever you're focused on. So, yes it is a good practise, but I don't think its a big thing anymore.

I showed this to Derek and it definitely went better than I expected, so thank you for that. The feedback was pretty accurate! (visit my blog "catch up with Derek" for more).

Page page;

from 800 x 600

to 1024 x 768

This is the first thing I changed straight away. By enlarging the page it gives me more space to work with and it allows that negative space to creep back into my life and make me awkward again. :) I must say, it definitely works and looks more neater and professional.

Margins and layout;

This is the next thing I added. By having margins and layout you instantly become more picky with your work, more organised and an eye for details. It creates your work to be more focused and it shows you where you should allow things to just take a moment and let them shine in their own way.

Font and sizing;

Another discussion we had with Derek is about my fonts.. my fonts are always a problem .. LOL. I already said I am a strategist... anyways.

I decided to create a timetable by 3 and use those numbers to structure my sizing.

After the change;

Another thing I have changed is the videos. Instead of placing videos on there, I placed a still image and a link to the video. For the submission the PDF has to be smaller than 10MB.

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