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1 to 1 - Rob's feedback after Moving Brands

Rob was very helpful with our feedback after we pitched to Moving Brands. He told us our strong and weak points from the presentation, also he explained to us how we can improve our weaknesses which was very helpful. I feel very free when I talk to Rob. When I don't understand something he is very open to tell us more and show examples or different kind of references.

Strong points from the presentation;

He really enjoyed our opening of the presentation, the fact that we used our idea and put that in the presentation to give the feel of it throughout the pitch experience.

Furthermore, he said that our insight and idea are quite strong and they are very clear and straight to the point.

For the brand identity, he said the colours we use match very well to the theme and the aesthetic of our idea. He says he can see how and why they link. They give him peace, but once you combine them they can be quite busy, crazy, messy, etc.

The visual style and also the posters he enjoyed. He said that he loves the fact that it's so messy, but the musician is in the middle and so focus and on point.

This is where the tricky part is is that he also enjoyed our moodboard for the video and he though it would be a good idea to combine that into the visuals.

Lastly, he told us the moodboard for the installation is great, but it's enough to use just one, but one that will be straight to the point.

Weaknesses from the presentation;

He recommended us to use the style we began with throughout the whole presentation.

He said the interview points we showed and said are great, but don't link with the idea. Here we actually just wanted to show the audience what kind of person our musician is and the background he has, this is our fault for not making that clear enough.

Furthermore, he recommended working and developing the logo further, he showed us some idea on Photoshop with black and white and how to work on it. Another thing about the logo just like Brian, it should be on a separate slide by itself.


When I showed him the video I have created so far he liked it but it didn't do anything special to him. I asked him do you think it's better to scarp that idea and focus on the installation itself and make a video out of it and he said yes. So, my main focus is the installation now and building it together, videoing it at the end and turning that into the 'video'.

I felt very positive after that chat. I knew what I had to do and how to proceed further and what directions to take.

I spoke to Esther about it and we decided to make some changed within the visuals and how we can combine the video style with visuals for more layered effect.


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