The idea
When I was looking for inspiration all I kept getting drawn towards was the fact of having instructions and showing step by steps and directions and so on. From this I constantly had the idea and kept creating moodboards which were just showing how kombucha is made. I really liked the idea of having some sort of instructions of how to do something, it makes people unintentionally doing it when they see this process for a long time.
I decided to create a whole presentation and just have a bunch of references and visual moodboards to start me off.
Idea 1 - Can’s view going through stomach - exhaudrated colours (Naima's idea)
Idea 2 - (my idea)
How to drink kombucha
Discovering you have IBS
Discovering kombucha and it’s benefits
The after affect of your gut/stomach after drinking it
Idea 3 (my idea)
Showing the process of how kombucha is made
Idea 4 (my idea)
Creating an international day for Kombucha
What I found here was that at the begingin Niama wasn't really active with me. I shared to presentation with her and she did not add any visuals or anything like that to show her ideas to when we have to present to Xavier and get feedback. It was quite uncomfortable because I showed it to Xavier and even on that day she didn't edit the presentation or anything. I felt like I was choosing what we should do, I did not feel her appearance at that time.
30 second video
When we were creating the 30 second video, I decided to tell Niama that it would be good if we create 3 videos which were 10 second long each. Each video would be showing a mini story.
The idea of our campaign is to show and exaggerated how people drink Wild Fizz. We wanted to go extra wild and show characters bungee jumping while drinking Wild Fizz, etc.
So this is the plan;
10 second video number 1 - a guy jumping off a building and while being in the air opening a can and drinking it - here we will show blood orange - on the website it shows for some of the drinks and they are beneficial, so what we will do is at the end of the 10 second video we will put one sentence to why that drink is good for you followed by Wild Fizz logo
10 second video number 2 - bungee jumping with the drink being ginger turmeric
10 second video number 3 - bounce castle jumping with the drink being lavender and rosemary
We decided to split the work by 1 doing a whole 10 second video, Niama doing two videos but only the visuals and I do all of the editing for the whole 30 second video.
10 second video
We spoke to Xavier and he mentioned that the videos don't have to be so striked and be exactly 30 or 20 seconds, you can mix and match as long as it makes sense. What we decided to do was combine all three videos together and show only the main and extreme points to create a bigger 'wild' video. For this one I did all of the editing.
5 second video
For the 5 second video we discussed and decided to show what happens after you drink from a can. We choose to illustrate a can being squeezed with Wild Fizz on it. For this video I did the illustrations and the editing.
I did find this part quite difficult to work with Niama. She enjoyed working throughout the night, whereas I had work throughout the day and only had the time to work in the evenings. We had miscommunications as she didn't pay attention to small details which made it difficult for me because I constantly had to go back and edit my video to make sure linked well enough with her work. We create almost like a guideline to what should follow next and small things such as putting a full stop after a sentence she wouldn't do which was difficult to make the work consistent. I have also found out that we would work quite slow and she didn't consider the fact that I had work weekends which if she came throughout the week at uni would have made my life easier weekends.