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Turning still to moving illustrations

Writer's picture: Valentina NenkovaValentina Nenkova

This video definitely was time consuming, however I got to remind myself of After Effects and I actually managed to get some okay stills from it which maybe will be useful.. I don't know.

Problem 1;

When I typed as if you would read it the correct way and then I added the effect, it didn't work. By the time the beginning of the sentence came, the end has disappeared which meant you can't understand or read it.

Problem 2;

Because of that I decided to write the sentence backwards. It somehow works, when I tested it out to people they said it worked however it is playing with their brain and they realised they are reading it backwards.

Story boarding;

Having a strong story boarding is incredibly helpful as it allows you to stay focus onto the work. I think I managed to transform the story boarding into the video, however it will take a lot longer for it to become professional looking.

Final edit;


Even though it took two days to make I learned a lot of new skills. Yes, it is very time consuming, so maybe if I had worked from it at the beginning it would have looked better, less pixelated and more professional. After Effects isn't my strongest point and I do know the basics of it, however for this I would need to spend a little it longer on the visuals as well as the skills for the editing. I will not be considering to use this work, however I will show my story boarding for my presentation to receive feedback.

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